Battle of the Wrist Bands
It is widely rumored that the era of the classic wrist watch has come and gone…Is it safe to say that
colorful more varied wristwatches, like the G-Shock, have over shadowed the vintage leather banded
timepieces???...that is INDEED false! C’mon now, don’t knock the ol folks style! Lately the Vintage look
that a classic watch offers is widely sought after.
The word “classic” tell you everything that you need to know about the appeal of these types of
wristwatches…they are timeless! And timeless is a great quality to consider when making such a
committed investment. This piece will NEVER go out of style and can be worn with almost (I said
ALMOST) anything. If you’re a dude try it out with a casual look to add some boldness. If you’re a lady
try sporting the watch with a more feminine look. By doing this you will balance the overall look out
with a chunky, masculine piece.
A vintage watch can be quite pricey, but the originality and high quality of the piece makes it a great
buy. You will have something that is unique to you and your personality. Quite often vintage watches
are designed to look simple and effortless with a rustic undertone. Fossil brand makes some pretty kick-
ass vintage inspired watches. These watches are not authentic vintage, but they are made to give you
that same feel and look. I found a pretty authentic looking one on the site. Fossil actually offers an entire
collection of “Vintaged Bronze Watches”. Check them out at .
Vintage inspired watches are just as good as the real McCoy! Plus who doesn’t need to keep track of
time?! This accessory is fashionable and functional. A vintage watch is the perfect way to incorporate
some of your own character to any look!

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