Mountain Dew skateboarder Paul Rodriguez and legendary skate artist Don Pendleton worked together to create their own signature can for Mountain Dew. Then inspired 35 skate shops across the country to design their own Dew can in a contest that just launched called the Mountain Dew Green Label Art Shop Series. Black Sheep was 1 of the 35 shops nationally selected to participate in this contest.
The 35 shops have been divided into 7 different regions. The shop with the most votes in each region will advance to the final round of 7 cans and make it one step closer to being made and distributed nationally. Black Sheep is listed in the Mid Atlantic region.
Please go to www.greenlabelart.com and vote for the Black Sheep entry. Help us get to the finals by voting for our can and you’ll also be entered in weekly drawings for tons of cool limited edition gear, prizes and trips.
Regional voting ends September 9 at 2:59pm and each registration is allowed 7 votes per day.
Let’s show these guys what’s up with Charlotte and put this thing on the map! We need you to vote daily — you get 7 votes per day. This is a marathon not a sprint and we need your help to make the finals. Show your love and get clickin!!!
Click Here To Vote!!
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